EP 13: Between A Rock & A Hard Place: A Quick Guide To Mitigating Double Taxation

The US taxes you on your worldwide income, regardless of where you live. If you live in the US and have foreign income, or live abroad, you have to report your foreign income on your US return.

The other country in the equation is also very interested in your income, especially if you live there. And so the fear of being double taxed is real and justified.

We are going to talk about Avoiding Double Taxation.

In this episode, we'll discuss the two main ways of mitigating this issue.

FEIE - Foreign Earned Income Exclusion and Foreign Tax Credits

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EP 12: What is English for "Tax Income Statements?"

Translating Financial & Tax Legalese to English in 10 minutes or less. In today's episode, we walk you through all the tax forms, you are going to need to file your taxes.

In other words, what information do you as a US resident or US nonresident need to compile your tax information?

We promise by the end of the 10 minutes, you'll have a pretty good list of all the forms you need to make this tax filing season a success.

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EP 11: The IRC Code: A Course Map to Navigate U.S Taxes.

Filing taxes in the US is generally a stressful process. It's extra stressful for those who are new in the US, especially since filing taxes in the US is very different from other countries.

In this episode, we discuss different aspects of filing taxes for both US tax residents and tax nonresidents. We start by discussing dates and different deadlines. We then move on to information gathering - what are the key pieces crucial for completing US taxes?

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